Thursday, September 3, 2020

Theories of Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Speculations of Motivation - Essay Example Locke objective setting hypothesis includes managing explicit, quantifiable, sensible and time bound goals. The objective setting hypothesis takes a shot at the rule that, for productive execution, the people in the gathering must have a shared objective to reach, and are expressly expressed. Objectives are clear inspiration that set gauges for individual fulfillment. To accomplish the objective, one must have the option to set achievement and address work difficulties that are quantifiable. Value hypothesis clarifies the connection fulfillment as far as view of reasonableness appropriation of assets. The idea of Locke can be consolidated into vroom’s hypothesis along these lines; the Locke hypothesis pivots on the standard of objective setting and moving in the direction of accomplishing the objective. It very well may be identified with hope hypothesis in that the representative must have some specific conduct in the organization to accomplish the furthest outcomes that lead to a prize. It clarifies the inspiration of the worker in accomplishing objectives as a type of inspiration. In relating Adams hypothesis to hope hypothesis; Adams hypothesis clarifies the fulfillment of a representative, where a worker will work or carry on in specific manners to acquire the equivalent treatment with different associates. The reasonableness prompts willful difficult work that yield best

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How does the postmodern picture book set out to capture both the adult Essay

How does the postmodern picture book set out to catch both the grown-up and the youngster peruser's advantage - Essay Example By considering children’s writing in a record of storybook history it is probably going to recognize the postmodern tendency in writing and craftsmanship as a demonstration of returning to or, conceivably, a rehashing of the obsession of a Romantic impression of the connection between a grown-up and peruser. Postmodern masterminds, as Lyotard, question the reliability of the significant literary works that have represented social creation from the hour of the Enlightenment (Beckett 2001). Despite the fact that this outlook may appear to relinquish the essentialist idea of Romantic understandings of adolescence, the comprehended crowd of postmodern picture books remains described in Romantic terms (Lundin 2004). The parts that describe the writings that will be talked about in this article as postmodern might be freeing and progressive, yet the open perusing of children’s writing continues to depreciate its masterful, visual and exploratory worth. The depreciation of com posing picture books and other writing for youngsters and its relationship with mainstream society arrange it in a bond with attributes of high culture that are constantly tested in postmodern hypotheses (Thacker and Webb 2002). Additionally, the imbalance of the connection between the ‘innocent, receptive’ (on the same page, p. ... nary liveliness and the tendencies of a few children’s books to deconstruct require an examination with the most progressive postmodern investigates of workmanship (Moebius 2009). Questions with respect to the reliability of Enlightenment absolutes’ metanarratives uncover an unworkable tie between the Romantic thoughts of adolescence as fundamentally credulous, and the postmodern methods that characterize the most animating current children’s writing (Whalley 2009). Despite the fact that the difficulties to essentialist and absolutes point of view mark postmodernism’s standards, if something very changing can be thought to introduce belief systems, the procedures that characterize writings for kids offer a progressively liberal perusing practice that generally appears to rely upon a perspective on kids demonstrative of the Romantic thoughts of the pre-social infant (Browne 1999). Subversion’s parts existent, explicitly, in current picture books, for example, allure kids as crowd to assemble a solid association with the content and reinforce the ties between sentimental turmoil and postmodernism presented by Brooker (1992). Metafictional procedures, account breaks, and parodic images which draw enthusiasm on the expanding estimations of writing would all be able to be situated in current picture books for kids (Moebius 2009). Such components go about as a debate to winning understandings of adolescence and speak to a verifiable crowd. The variety of topics which include youngsters and their understanding practices: guardians, educators, writers, and others, voice out an overwhelming trepidation about the impacts of present-day society on ideas of adolescence as, somehow, great (Goldstone 2009). The contention in human connections, most every now and again found in the adjustments in family structures, and the impact of media and

Friday, August 21, 2020

A well spent life brings a happy death Essay Example For Students

A very much went through this existence brings a glad passing Essay Through rills, slopes, high points and low points. Through chuckling, grins, tears and scowls. For quite a while, you have endure, For quite a while, you keep on endeavoring. The pressure was obvious as the day progressed, Yet, you figured out how to vanquish it inside and out. A year passes by, and youre going to go. Farewell to us, and to the world HELLO. You just live once, so live it right. Make a decent attempt energetically. The 3 elements for the ideal life, Are that you learn, acquire and work day and night. Live a completely, satisfying and good day, Dont let any blockhead hold you up. Try the impossible, go after the moon, Live as though your life is finishing soon. Youve got the opportunity to endeavor to do your most extreme best, Furthermore, toward the day's end, you can calmly rest. A rancher goes through hours to plant and procure, His hard and very much went through day brings a cheerful rest. The high points and low points are simply one more factor, Simply live through life as your own sort of character. Dont let brutal words ever change your style, What's more, on the off chance that anything ever happens triple 7 is the number to dial. Simply grin at whatever may burden you, What's more, let nothing make you scowl. Life is a fantasy simply fantasize through everything, Do similarly as I state and you will never fall. Make every second count with each breath, for an all around consumed this existence brings a glad demise.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Role of Humor in the Creation of In-Groups and Out-Groups - 1100 Words

The Role of Humour in the Creation of Symbolic Boundaries Between Members of Different University of the Philippines Baguio Student Organizations (Thesis Proposal Sample) Content: The role of humour in the creation of symbolic boundaries between members of different University of the Philippines Baguio student organizationsIntroductionMany researches have proven that humour, as a social phenomenon, functions well as a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"social lubricantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ during social interactions. It shapes the trajectory of the ongoing interpersonal interaction between individuals and has a great influence in shaping peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s bonds by laying the foundations for trust and deeper understanding. This is what we call à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"breaking the iceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ during initial social contact and this provides a momentum for further interactions. In this type of interaction where the humour is used consists of two parties: The à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"joke-tellerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ and the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"listenerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬. In this research we could classify the individuals in this manner: the first one, being the one to deliver the joke, and the latter one as the con sumer, regardless if he would reciprocate the act by laughing or not. Humour, in terms of delivery, can also be distinguished between à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"directà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"indirectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Directà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ refers to the communication of the joke in a "face-to-face" manner, whereas the other one refers to those which are done through other means such text messages, Facebook chats, etc. In this research, much focus would be given on the first one. In terms of types, humour can also be classified as slapstick, mockery, irony, etc., this, will be further discussed in the succeeding chapters.Most of the times, humour is delivered unconsciously by the individuals but its ultimate goal is to elicit laughter from the listener. Laughter, in the part of the joke-teller, provides an immediate satisfaction for him since it "conveys appreciation and gratitude à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ an intention to reciprocate for having received a stimulating idea" (Weisfield, 1993; p. 141 , as cited by Treger, Sprecher, Erber, 2013). And as researches have proven, there is a positive relationship between being able to being able to make the listener laugh, and establishing a deeper connection and understanding with him. From this, the researcher believe that knowing how to create this type of understanding between individuals à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ through humour à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ is beneficial in knowing how individuals create symbolic boundaries between themselves, thus, differentiating the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"usà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ from à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"themà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬. The researcher also believe that this knowledge is not only beneficial in managing student organizations, per se, but also for a larger work place.In order to know how individuals create "in-groupsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , the researcher would like to focus on the three (3) independent variables: (1) the types of humour used, (2) the object of humour, and (3) how a particular type humour is created and maintained à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ the social co ntext. The researcherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s starting assumption, before anything (the main hypothesis would be provided in the succeeding chapter), is that individuals in a particular organization uses more denigrating humour (type) towards à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"othersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ (object). This, however, is just an initial assumption and the researcher believe that ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s a good thing to identify his personal assumptions in order to rule out any prejudice that exist.The main objective of this research is to find out the role of humour, in building trust and creating symbolic boundaries between the members of student organizations in the UPB campus. To determine what kinds of jokes they use? Who the subject of these jokes are? And how does this create symbolic boundaries that distinguishes them as a part of the group from the others? How are inside jokes created and maintained as functional? As was said earlier, jokes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ more particularly inside jokes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ would create the fee ling of trust and belongingness between the members. It might also be the case that these inside jokes are mostly oriented towards denigration of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"out-sidersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ in order to promote further promote the idea of belongingness.In terms of the methodology, the study would only employ qualitative but thorough data-gathering methods. In-depth interviews and FGDs would be the main methodologies to be used here. The in-depth interviews would employ the use of random sampling with students from different organizations, oriented towards understanding the three (3) independent variables indicated above. This would be done in a strictly anonymous and confidential manner, since it is very probable that misunderstanding would arise if the jokes are very offensive for the individuals/group which are used as objects of the "jokeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . FGDs would be done with members of the same organization as to maintain confidentiality and anonymity of the information.In analyzing t he data that would be collected would be subjected to three different sociological theories, namely; Herbert Meadà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Symbolic interactionism, Homanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Exchange theory and Functionalism by Malinowski (psychological) and Radcliffe-Brown (structural). Symbolic interactionism, says that individuals create meanings through their everyday interaction with one another, and in turn, they use these meanings in dealing with their everyday life. From this perspective, humour can be seen as a social phenomenon created in a particular social context, which is then understood (because of the similarity of...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Progressive Era And Its Impact On American History

The Progressive Era was a period of broad and varied movement which changed American values and life styles by having everlasting impact on American History. Most of the people during the progressive eras, lives changed through. During the Progressive Era Women wanted the right to vote and work outside their homes. Workers wanted better wages, hours, and safe condition while they are working. Coming with people who had race, which means all people wo were not white, they wanted a freedom, place to work and let their children attend school like others. These issues had to get fixed during the Progressive era. That is what makes the progressive a Progressive. Starting with women suffrage, one of the major initiatives of the Progressive Era was the women’s suffrage movement. However, many organizations that were established to fight for the voting rights of women either marginalized or ignored African-American women. Thus, African-American women such as Mary Church Terrell became dedicated to organizing women on the local and national level to fight for equal rights in society. The work of white suffrage organizations along with African-American women s organizations ultimately led to the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, which granted women with the right to vote. It was hard for women to get heard. Woman is woman. She cannot unsex herself or change her sphere. Let her be content with her lot and perform those high duties intended for her by the Great Creator, andShow MoreRelatedReform in the United States813 Words   |  4 PagesThe Progressive and New Deal Eras are two of the most important and defining periods in Ame rican history. Through initiatives and reform passed during these times, America was changed politically, socially and economically. These changes affected all Americans in some way or another, but had significant impact on specific groups of American citizens. 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Movements such as the Civil Rights Movement and the Womens Suffrage Movement have influenced and shaped American ideals and beliefs. These movements were typically driven by a cause. From the 1890s to the 1920s, a period of social and political reform flourished in America. T his was driven by the desire to eliminate corruption in the government. PeopleRead MoreTime Line 21050 Words   |  5 PagesBefore starting the Timeline project please refer to the Example Timeline Matrix document. Instructions: Complete the matrix by providing the Time Period/Date(s) in column B, and the Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History in column C. See complete instructions in the Syllabus for the Module 3 assignment entitled. â€Å"Timeline Part II.† NOTE: The timeline project does not need to be submitted to turnitin. NOTE: Please write your answers in a clear and concise manner

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Benefits of Magnet Schools Essay - 2558 Words

Advantages of magnet schools Why would students want to attend a magnet school? The reason may be because magnet schools offer a variety of specialized programs that students can choose from. Programs such as visual and performing arts, mathematics, sciences, and many others are available for students to choose from. Similar to having a major in college, students at magnet schools have their own specialized area that they can take classes in, in addition to basic academic classes. They are encouraged to be creative and to hone their skills in their area of interest. Another reason magnet schools may be so popular could be due, in part, to the different teaching styles that some of the schools have adopted. For example, University†¦show more content†¦In addition, â€Å"the selective admissions criteria of magnets create firewalls for students with failing grades or records of bad behavior or truancy who want to attend these schools† ( Another disadvantage of magnet schools has to do with the curriculum of these schools. While students have the opportunity to concentrate on their specialized interest, there is a tendency, as a result, for attention to be taken away from other areas, primarily academics. Magnet schools do not always encourage students to stay focused on academics, as the school is designed to promote achievement in other areas. Assumptions could be made that, when it comes to college admissions, more selective and competitive schools, such as magnet schools, would reflect well on applying students. Yet, â€Å"a new study of more than 1 million students . . . has concluded that very selective high schools can hurt, not help, most students chances of getting into very selective colleges† (Matthews, p2). The study shows that students at more demanding high schools tend to have lower grade-point averages than those of students who attend neighborhood schools. In addition, the courses are sometimes less challenging at magnet schools, mostly due to the fact that most of the work load comes from the area of special interest (Matthews, p3). Advantages of public schools There are many things thatShow MoreRelatedThe Challenges Of Charter Schools In African American Urban Schools1206 Words   |  5 Pagesacademic tutoring services in many African American urban schools across the country, along with districts that tailor their curriculum to fit the students. (Chapman, 2010, pp.651-654) Charter schools also offer a curriculum formatted toward the students and have more freedom from the bureaucratic echelon. There are only a small handful that have the same ideology or format as the Chicago study. The Chicago study gave students the benefits of learning social and business skills through BAM (BecomingRead MoreEssay on desegregation historiography1258 Words   |  6 Pagescivil rights forces was the dismantling of school systems segregated under law, despite the strong resistance, was successful in some places. Pennsylvania is one state that issued programs to integrate schools that were successful. Another topic addressed in New Perspectives on Schoo l Integration is the study of ethnic groups in schools. At the time programs only study the present or dominant ethnic group at a specific school. It changes from school to school rather than teaching ethnicities of manyRead MoreSchool Consolidation And The Politics Of School Closure Across Communities1541 Words   |  7 Pages I am providing an analysis of â€Å"School Consolidation and the Politics of School Closure Across Communities† by Zorka Karanxha, Vonzell Agosto, William R. Black and Claudius B. Effiom (2013). The principal at Roosevelt Neighborhood School, Brian Jones, faced a state wide economic recession, which led to the merge of his school with Scott Magnet School of choice, only two miles east. Even when rumors about budget cuts had been circulating across the school district, when the associate superintendentRead MoreBarriers . A Barrier That Has Sparked Concern In A Career1034 Words   |  5 Pagesinclude lack proper elevator or ramps within a multiple-storied structure as well as heavy doors and unreachable washroom essentials. Additionally, transportation to and from a CTE school may cause barriers. Students at the post-secondary level also experience difficulty in securing accessible students housing. Some schools are still inaccessible to students in wheelchairs or to those other mobility aides and need elevators, ramps, paved pathways and lifts to get in and around buildings. AccessibilityRead MoreBenefits of Bsn1338 Words   |  6 Pages The Benefits of a BSN Education Laura Murrell Central Methodist University The Benefits of a Bachelors of Science in Nursing Education Sitting with my colleagues for lunch in the cafeteria, talking about nursing as a career in general. â€Å"Where do you think you will be in 10 years?† Amanda asked me. â€Å"Lord, I don’t know, probably right here doing the same thing I’m doing now. Might have my bachelors by then though,† I replied. Then it hit me, I am 42 years old and only have a 2 year degree. AmandaRead MoreAssistive Technology842 Words   |  4 Pagestechnology that was used in the adult learner video depicting the use of the professional editing software Paperrater, the activity was based upon the reading and language games generated by the Website, more specifically, â€Å"Refrigerator Magnets† for Ms. Smith’s first grade learners. Although the student subjects of the lesson were generally familiar with Website, they were not accustomed to the procedure of logging on as a group and following the lessons on their Chrome books while theRead MoreA Study On A n Advanced Nurse Is The Protection, Promotion, And Optimization Of Health And Abilities1411 Words   |  6 Pageson nursing units an increase of 10% in the proportion of bachelor’s prepared nurses to associate’s prepared nurses, was associated with a decrease in patient mortality by 10.9% . The study concluded that those units, as well as others, would only benefit from increasing the amount of care provided by bachelor’s degree nurses as opposed to associate’s degree nurses. The study stated that those patients care for by baccalaureate prepared nurses were less likely to be readmitted and have shorter hospitalsRead MoreAnnotated Bibligrapy1205 Words   |  5 Pageseffects of it on a nurses career. Trinkoff, A., Johantgen, M., Storr, C., Han, K., Liang, Y., Gurses, A., Hopkinson, S. (n.d.). A Comparison Of Working Conditions Among Nurses In Magnet And Non-Magnet ® Hospitals. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 309-315. This study focused on the role that Magnet recognition places on recruitment and retention. The participants all worked in an acute hospital and given a series of questionnaires and surveys that assessed and compared work schedulesRead MoreThe Effects Of Deviance, Micro Level And Macro Level1306 Words   |  6 Pagesvarious social interactions, McCall learned to become deviant. As a young boy, McCall avoided deviance, but that changed. When McCall was young he enjoyed going to school and learning, but his attitude quickly changed through social interactions with deviant individuals. From fifth to sixth grade, McCall quickly began to dislike school and contemplate skipping class. The experience that I believe applies most to differential association theory is McCall’s obsession to be just like Scobe. AccordingRead MoreNurses And Advanced Practice Nurses1491 Words   |  6 Pageshealthcare team, and so much more. Whether it’s recognized or not, nurses are responsib le for more than just clinical skills taught in nursing school. Patients are not just physical beings. They have emotions and are spiritual beings with more than just physical needs during a hospital stay or other healthcare settings. However, basic nursing school only teaches nursing students clinical skills essentially. Which brings us to this question, is that truly enough? When looking back in history

Identify and explain the stages of grief experienced by the dying Essay Example For Students

Identify and explain the stages of grief experienced by the dying Essay 1: Shock-Denial: This stage is when the patient first hears about his/her illness, and this is where the patient is saying no, not me and it cant be me. During this time they will also ask a numerous amount that is the results wrong, or could you check my results again please. 2: Rage/Anger: There are two things to remember when dealing with this stage, which is that; anger is never personal, its more generalised. This means that no matter what, the patient never blames the people around them, but prefers to blame her/himself, or sometimes the whole world. Another part of the Rage/Anger stage is the Why me mini stage. This constitutes the patient to ask the people around him/her, but more prominently God. This behavior leads up to the bargaining stage. 3: Bargaining: This stage is when the patient has accepted his/her fate temporarily. This is so as it may seem that s/he is under control so s/he can bargain, more easily sway the recipient. The most usual case of bargaining is with God, for example If you let me live one more day, ill become a good Christian and go to church everyday. These patients never really do what they promised. They maybe try to bargain with a member of the hospital staff, as well. This is not the final peace, only a temporary truce. 4: Depression: Reactive This mini-stage is when the patient starts to feel despair because s/he cant hold or see in some cases their kids, or see another sunrise, et cetera. This is when memories of their life come back to them on their hospital bed. This is further accentuated by preparatory silent grief. This is when they wish they could do something they always used to, but hasnt missed it until it is gone form them, in example they would like to see their children again. Weaning off This other mini-stage is out of the two the most serious, due to the patients unwillingness to see people, the number of visitors goes down less and less. This is where the patient has none or only marginal cares about the outside world, politics, or when. The male patients in this stage have a major problem, because dealing with this level of depression makes them want to cry. This is hard due to our society where it is a disconcerting look at the mans sensitivity. The man is ashamed of himself if he weeps in the presence of anyone else. 5: Acceptance: This is referred to as the OK stage. It is when the patient fines inner peace with her/himself. This stage has no fear, but bliss. The patient does not show any other stages once into this stage. This is, however, a trying time for the family and/or doctors and nurses because they want the patient to continue. The physician cant let go of the patient and tries to prolong her/his life, while the wife in particular say that a man  cant die because the wife cannot handle the responsibilities of what the man did, for example mortgages, children. Note: This stage is sometimes confused with Resignation, which is when the patient could not care less about her/his ordeal, thinks that the pain is not worth it and wishes to die.